Colorful floral bouquet
Learn two different ways to make a hand-tied floral bouquet using seasonal flowers, including dahlias, zinnias and strawflowers. The two methods are the Flat Lay technique and the Spiral technique. After taking this class (and practicing!), you’ll be able to whip up beautiful flower bouquets, perfect for birthdays and holidays. Learn the best flowers and foliage to use, stem preparation, wrapping your bouquet, and how to extend the vase life of your flowers.
Please bring your own clippers. All other supplies provided.
At New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, Bolton, MA. Sunday, September 17, 2023, 1 PM - 2:30 PM.
$90 Member Adult, $105 Nonmember Adult. Ticket price includes admission to the Gardens.
Registration Link: To be added!